The library is open after school until 4 pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or while students are present.
A specific time is allocated to each class within the school week. During this time, students exchange or renew books. Younger grade levels may also have story time or library instruction. Books will not be checked out for students with outstanding fines or overdue materials.
PreK comes into the library for story time once a week.
Kinder - 8th are allowed to check out two books.
A third book may be checked out if required for a classroom assignment.
Library Visits
Students may visit the library during the day with the teacher's permission and a library pass. Any after-school visit must have a written notice sent to the teacher. A parent is welcome to come into the library with their student after school.
Checkout Period
Kindergarten - 4th grade has a 2-week checkout period. 5th-8th is given three weeks.
Books may be renewed. The book must be present when renewed.
Overdue Books
Overdue notices are sent out weekly on Thursdays. No fines are assessed unless the book is lost or damaged.
Lost/Damaged Books
Students are responsible for reimbursing the school for lost or damaged books. Students may not check out another book until the book cost is paid.